
Implementamos un sistema de reciclaje funcional y sostenible en base a las necesidades específicas de tu oficina o empresa. Te ayudamos a reducir o eliminar tu huella de carbono y a cumplir tus metas ESG corporativas y ambientales, al mismo tiempo que visibilizamos el trabajo de recicladoras de base.

Foto Hero ReciCorp

¿Qué incluye nuestro servicio de ReciCorp?

Ofrecemos un paquete completo para implementar un sistema de reciclaje que realmente funcione en tu oficina o empresa y que consta de 3 aristas: ReciAsesoría, ReciEduca y ReciApper.

ReciAsesoría: Visitamos tus instalaciones y te asesoramos en cómo manejar tus residuos reciclables, nos adaptamos a tus procesos para asegurarnos de implementar un sistema que funcione.

ReciEduca: Brindamos capacitaciones a colaboradores de tu oficina o empresa; educamos sobre la problemática de los residuos, recicladoras y recicladores de base y reciclaje inclusivo. Nuestra metodología comprobada incluye charlas interactivas donde capacitamos junto a recicladoras y recicladores de base.

ReciApper: Ofrecemos nuestro servicio de recolección diferenciada de residuos reciclables con recicladores/as de base: recogemos el material reciclable de la oficina o empresa con la frecuencia que amerite y que esté alineada a la asesoría realizada por parte de ReciVeci previamente.

¡Fomenta el reciclaje en tu empresa!
También ofrecemos estos servicios por separado.

Plataforma de trazabilidad Recircular

Con nuestros servicios, garantizamos trazabilidad y transparencia de la información acerca de qué pasa con tus residuos reciclables una vez que los entregas al sistema ReciVeci. Te damos un acceso Admin para que visualices tu dashboard con KPIs de desempeño en tiempo real.

Captura de pantalla plaaforma RecirCular de ReciVeci
Captura de pantalla plaaforma RecirCular de ReciVeci
Representación de líneas y puntos del sistema de trazabilidad recircular



La solución más completa de reciclaje inclusivo.

Clientes felices

"We received training from ReciVeci about inclusive recycling and the circular economy at our Ulpik offices in Cuenca. I was impressed by the company, as it directly helps recyclers within the country. Through their mobile application, ReciApp, you can contribute to local recyclers in your neighborhood or community and, in return, receive discounts at various stores in your area. For example, in Cuenca, there are discounts on books, clothing, workshops, health services, among others. It is a great motivation to recycle, especially knowing that you will directly impact the economy of base recyclers, who, according to data from EMAC (Cuenca - 2019), barely sustain themselves on a salary of $125 per month. The profile of recyclers includes women around the age of 52 who likely do not have insurance coverage. The next time you are about to throw away cardboard, Tetra Pak® containers, notebook paper, plastic bottles, glass, or others, you could help a family’s economy, assisting people in vulnerable situations. Perhaps you cannot save the planet by recycling your entire life, but you can help change lives in your neighborhood or community. Many thanks to Julio Díaz Torres (Operations Coordinator of ReciVeci in Cuenca) for the training on inclusive recycling. "
David Castillo
Manager of Technology and Innovation​
"We received training from ReciVeci about inclusive recycling and the circular economy at our Ulpik offices in Cuenca. I was impressed by the company, as it directly helps recyclers within the country. Through their mobile application, ReciApp, you can contribute to local recyclers in your neighborhood or community and, in return, receive discounts at various stores in your area. For example, in Cuenca, there are discounts on books, clothing, workshops, health services, among others. It is a great motivation to recycle, especially knowing that you will directly impact the economy of base recyclers, who, according to data from EMAC (Cuenca - 2019), barely sustain themselves on a salary of $125 per month. The profile of recyclers includes women around the age of 52 who likely do not have insurance coverage. The next time you are about to throw away cardboard, Tetra Pak® containers, notebook paper, plastic bottles, glass, or others, you could help a family’s economy, assisting people in vulnerable situations. Perhaps you cannot save the planet by recycling your entire life, but you can help change lives in your neighborhood or community. Many thanks to Julio Díaz Torres (Operations Coordinator of ReciVeci in Cuenca) for the training on inclusive recycling. "
David Castillo
Manager of Technology and Innovation​
“This initiative is part of the partnership formed in previous months with this wonderful startup, whose work connects the actors in the recycling chain through technology and innovation. It is very important for us to join efforts that, in addition to contributing to SDG 13, also help achieve SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being, SDG 5: Gender Equality, SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, and SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals.”
María Gabriela Velasteguí
Head of Communication and Corporate Social Responsibility
Laboratorios Bagó
“ReciVeci has been a key ally in building a culture of waste management with an inclusive approach in our business unit. We are a company that has been committed to empowering women since its inception, and doing so through inclusive recycling has strengthened the commitment of our employees during the training sessions. We are convinced that knowledge is power, and we have seen the multiplying effect created as everything learned has extended to the families of our organization. Furthermore, with actions like these, we continue to advance our agenda within the Sustainable Development Goals.”
Daniela Álvarez
Sustainability Committee
Aquí encontrarás imágenes de asesorías, capacitaciones y recolecciones de material junto a recicladores/as de base para nuestras empresas aliadas (El Potrero de Lumbisí, Laboratorios Bagó, UNICEF, Yanbal, Zurich Seguros).

Entities that already trust our work

Public, private, multilateral, NGOs, and others.

Cruz Roja
Plan Internacional
Latitud R
Cervecería Nacional
Coca Cola
San Felipe
Oi Cridesa
Tetra Pak
Aseguradora del Sur
Azul Esfera
Alianza Francesa
El Potrero
Cali Naturaleza
Looop shoes
Hornado Dieguito
La Caracola

Otros servicios empresariales

Foto-Reci Eventos

Organizamos eventos lúdicos para recuperar residuos reciclables y retornables de tu empresa u organización, o participamos con nuestro servicio de gestión de residuos reciclables en eventos, midiendo el impacto medioambiental logrado.

Ir a ReciEventos
Foto-Reci Plus

Implementamos campañas de recuperación y retornabilidad de material reciclable diseñadas especialmente para empresas de consumo masivo. También te acompañamos y asesoramos en la transición hacia una economía circular inclusiva.

Ir a ReciPlus

Preguntas frecuentes


¿En qué consiste el servicio de ReciCorp y cómo puede beneficiar a mi empresa?
¿Cómo personalizan el sistema de reciclaje de acuerdo a las necesidades de mi empresa?
¿Por qué en ReciVeci trabajamos con empresas de consumo masivo?
Imagen de la galería de ReciEventos


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