Burger Show

Start date:
October 7, 2023
End date:
October 9, 2023

Project details





Allies/ involved

Project overview

The ReciVeci team, composed of two staff members, six promoters, and six recyclers, began the workday at 10 AM without any incidents during the three days of the Burger Show. Throughout the event, the recyclers and promoters monitored the containers for recyclables while also providing environmental education and awareness to attendees. Every hour, the recovered recyclable materials were transported to the collection center, where a recycler sorted the different materials into bags.

At the end of each day, the recyclable material generated was collected and loaded into a truck managed by ReciVeci, which transported the materials to the collection center of the participating base recyclers. A total of 471 kilograms of recyclable materials were recovered, benefiting six recyclers who worked at the event. Recycling these materials prevents the emission of 953.56 kilograms of CO2 equivalent into the atmosphere, as well as the extraction of virgin raw materials. These materials typically end up in landfills, beaches, and oceans, but events like this redirect them toward recycling processes and recognize the efforts of base recyclers.

Project contacts


+593 959510615

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